Being blind for three minutes

Discover the Erliefnismobil in Luxembourg City on 27th April, and at Hôpitaux Robert Schuman on 6th May

CBM Erlebnismobil in Luxemburg
CBM Copyright

In partnership with the Centre pour le Développement des compétences relatives à la Vue (CDV) and CBM Switzerland, CBM Luxembourg is bringing the Erliefnismobil to Luxembourg.  In this specially furnished truck, blind people’s plight, their need for support and the necessity of adapted living and working conditions, in Luxembourg and in developing countries, becomes clear.

Over a 2-week period, the Erliefnismobil will visit schools across Luxembourg to allow students to experience being blind and reflect on how it felt and what they learned. Meanwhile, the Erliefnismobil will be available to the general public on these dates and locations:

27th April – Place Guillaume II, Luxembourg City, 8h-14h

6th May – Entrance Hôpitaux Robert Schuman, 12h-17h

What makes this experience unique?  Participants wear glasses mimicking the vision impairment of terminal cataracts.  With these glasses on, they can only distinguish between light and dark; but have to move through a 12-metre-long corridor and around numerous everyday obstacles.  At the end, visitors go through the corridor again, without the glasses this time. This allows them to understand what it means to experience our surroundings with such a visual impairment, to appreciate their sight and how it impacts our interaction with the world around us.

Read more about the Erliefnismobil here