Give the gift of vision

One in three people affected by cataracts can see after a cataract surgery.
Also those who are poor or disabled have the right to enjoy life to the full. Help us to help them.


The CBM Luxembourg Foundation was recognized as a charitable foundation in March 2021. The Foundation supports projects for the prevention and treatment of avoidable blindness as well as projects for the integration of disabled people into society. The work of the Foundation is currently concentrated geographically to three developing countries, namely Angola, Laos and Madagascar.

Cataract the leading cause of blindness worldwide …

… but also the most common eye disease, which can be corrected by surgical intervention. Your donation will allow us to offer this surgery to as many as possible and to promote medical education worldwide. Losing eyesight can affect anyone. Help us worldwide to help those affected.

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Boy talking to doctor

Give the gift of vision

Please support us on our mission to prevent avoidable blindness and visual impairments.  Any donation is appreciated, is wisely spent and can make a difference:

€35: covers the cost of 1 medical kit for a cataract operation

€85: provides two days of tuition fees for cataract surgery training for an Angolan doctor

€150: covers the cost of a child’s cataract surgery

Please help us now.

Boy smiling with Eye patch